Here are my inspirational artists. I know we are only supposed to do one but I liked these folks so much ;-;
All I know of Pettrybyos is the available information from their deviantart account, which is..They're from Finland aaaand...
- Interests: Ghost stories
- Favourite movie: Battle Royale
- Favourite band or musician: David Bowie
- Favourite artist: Rudolf Koivu, Hugo Simberg
- Favourite game: Bubble Bobble!
- Favourite gaming platform: PS, PC
- Favourite cartoon character: Calvin
The reason I chose this artist is because I enjoy I guess more of their lack of color and think that they're style is cute. I also believe that they're watercolor is wonderful as well.
is 17, female and from Finland as well...and that is all the information available on her.
What I enjoy about Locklit's work is the use of vibrant colors and sometimes limited palette.
& my favorite of faves...
22, female and from Canada.
- Current Residence: Toronto, Canada
- Interests: drawing, psychology, fiction
- Favourite band or musician: Sakanaction
- Favourite artist: Mucha, McQueen, Amano, James Jean, Ooyuki Shiwasu, Rowland Emett, Igarashi Mikio
- Favourite poet or writer: Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman
- Tools of the Trade: Watercolours, photoshop 7
Deathofrats' is one of my favorite watercolor/ink artists because of the way she uses her colors. The brightness and use of negative and positive space or colors are fantastic to me.
Here's a crazy mcdonald's ad from Japan. Ahhhhhhhh....
McDonald's Japanese Ad